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Forex of Beginners

Forex breakeven zone

In any type of business, there is such a thing as a break-even zone, in fact, this is a kind of border between losses and profits, the intersection of which allows you to hope for a successful outcome of the transaction. If we consider…

Trading at home

Usually we imagine the work of a trader on the stock exchange or a huge office among dozens or even hundreds of colleagues, a flurry of activity in buying and selling various trading instruments. But electronic trading is completely…

Five steps to reduce trading risks

For many of us who currently work in the Forex business, the word “risk” has become simply a term we’ve learn to live with on daily basis. But for many others, risk is a synonym of fear, especially when it comes to money issues. That is…

An Introduction To Forex News Trading

Political and economic news is a powerful source of fluctuation in global financial markets. Even rumors of events such as falling central bank interest rates, lawsuits by governments and large corporations, soaring inflation, and…

Do your really need automated trading?

Yesterday we’ve focused on the trading plan, which includes a trading system inside. Today, we’ll be talking a bit more about the latest. But not a typical one or even a particular one, we’ll be analyzing what today is known as “automated…

Managing emotions in trading

Those who traded on the stock exchange are well aware of how difficult it is to make a profit and how easy it is to lose a deposit, most of the losses occur due to mistakes made during the overexcitation of a trader. Therefore, a trader…

How not to be influenced by rumors

The currency market is a big game in which both individual players and entire countries, and sometimes coalitions of countries, participate. The exchange rate of the national currency has a rather harsh effect on the country's economy,…

Six New Year Resolutions for Traders in 2023

The year 2022 is coming to an end, and the time has come for a fresh start in 2023. The end of the year is a great time for traders to review their 2022 trading performance and reflect on how they’ve fared in the market. To take advantage…