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Five steps to reduce trading risks

For many of us who currently work in the Forex business, the word “risk” has become simply a term we’ve learn to live with on daily basis. But for many others, risk is a synonym of fear, especially when it comes to money issues. That is…

Behavioural Biases in Trading: How to Avoid Them

Financial economists like to believe investors make investment decisions based on the principles of rationality and optimising returns. However, in the real world, this simply isn’t true. The reality is that financial decisions are often…

Trading fear

The basis of earning on the stock exchange is the opening of transactions, there are no transactions, there is no profit, you cannot earn money just by watching the trading terminal. But it also happens that some traders, after a series…

Managing emotions in trading

Those who traded on the stock exchange are well aware of how difficult it is to make a profit and how easy it is to lose a deposit, most of the losses occur due to mistakes made during the overexcitation of a trader. Therefore, a trader…

How not to be influenced by rumors

The currency market is a big game in which both individual players and entire countries, and sometimes coalitions of countries, participate. The exchange rate of the national currency has a rather harsh effect on the country's economy,…

5 Steps to Deal with Trading Losses

Are you struggling to deal with the losses that come with online trading? You’re not the only one. It can be difficult to overcome the feeling of failure and this is why we’ve come up with 5 ways to get you back on track to achieve your…

It’s all about your trading psychology

When you are getting ready to start your trading day, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Are you thinking of different ways to minimize risk in the markets and increase your profits? Whatever comes to your mind first, the most…

Cognitive Bias That Can Affect Your Trading

A cognitive bias is a systematic flaw in reasoning that can lead to making wrong decisions while investing. A common maxim in investing is that "you are your own worst enemy". Humans are naturally hard-wired to look for shortcuts and avoid…