Gambling Psychology In Trading

A lot of people decide to start trading because they think it is an easy and quick way to earn money. They treat trading as a game, falling victim to the so-called gambling psychology. In this article, we’ll learn what gambling psychology…

The power of trading psychology

Identifying your strengths as opposed to weaknesses can really help you step up your trading game. Learn how to do it with three simple steps. Various articles nowadays point to our weaknesses, be in trading psychology, risk management, or…

3 simple steps to overcome trader block

After closing a winning or losing trade, a trader can experience what today is commonly known as a “trader’s block”. In simple words, it refers to the condition when a trader feels blocked and finds very (if not impossible) to open new…

Minstrel cycles

1. Are there Minstrel cycles in the US economy? Mitchell's substitution of Minstrel cycles for "business cycles". The deep economic crisis and depression that engulfed the world economy in 2008-2012 once again confirmed the fact of the…

Myths about Forex Trading

There are various opinions about forex, but some of them are misconceptions shaped by ignorance, bad experiences and scam sucker-bait addressed to forex newbies. You will come across absolutely contrary opinions when reading reviews on…

How to understand forex charts

While forex charts might look daunting at first glance, don’t be deterred. We explore the basics of reading charts so you know what to look out for to help you make your trading decisions. No matter how you prefer to trade – whether…